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Check Out This Amazing Homemade Underground Swimming Pool!

Imagine this beautiful swimming pool from https://www.watersidepoolscapes.com/ in your off grid backyard! There is no shortage of “primitive” building videos online these days, and for good reason, they are fascinating to watch, and even if you don’t have all the same resources near you, they can help spark some ideas of your own for projects you might want to...

Amazingly Simple DIY Solar Charging Station!

Planning to go off the grid or already made the move? Then I’m sure you’ve either started, or already done, a good amount of research into what you’ll need, what type of home you’d like to have built or build yourself, as well as various other skills, tools, etc, that can help you along the way. These are not...

Science And Facts Shouldn’t Be Political, But The Politicians Have Made It So.

While some want to keep politics out of places like this, our politicians can’t seem to help themselves and insist on telling outright lies about renewable energy. From the absurd claim that solar farms would somehow absorb all the sunlight and somehow kill off crops or increase climate change, to the more recent, and extremely asinine claim that windmill...

Cardboard Houses? Yes, And They Are Amazing!

The idea of having to live in a cardboard box is one that probably brings to mind homelessness, or jokes about having to move into a “refrigerator box” in tough times. Of course, usually cardboard isn’t the best material, even for short term shelter. Many children have turned it into castles, forts, and various types of transportation with the...

Fantastic Underground Home And Pool!

There are some really jaw droppingly amazing primitive building techniques out there, and some of the videos around the internet show what can be done with some ingenuity and knowing your own environment. Of course, many of them are based in the rainforest or similar tropical climates that have more resources than, say, the desert, but either way they...

Save The Bees! Build Your Own Hive!

If you’re living off the grid and you have all your basics down, but you want to try something a bit more adventurous, then maybe you should consider adding a beehive or two to your property. Not only will having a hive provide you with fresh organic honey, but you’ll also have a steady source of workers who can...

Unbelievable! Gorgeous Primitive Tiny Home With Built-In Pool!

Well, this is certainly a unique way to live off grid! One man built a truly gorgeous little hut with a small attached pool/tub using only the materials that nature provided to him. His hut is built on a platform, and on the outside. He has what could be considered a deck at first glance, however, what he does with...


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Crazy Hippy Dude Builds 100 Sq Foot Tiny House For Less Than $1,500!

How much space do you need to live? It’s not as easy of a question as it may seem, and the answer can vary from person to person. Some of us feel more than comfortable in just under 500 sq feet, while others may need more, or feel great in even less. Tiny homes tend to be on the...

Amazing Solar Powered Shipping Container Home

Solar Powered Shipping Container Home
Beautiful Solar Powered Shipping Container Home - Would you live here? This solar powered shipping container home is an off grid homesteaders dream. The Western ideal that has been pitched to most of us since we were children, is that of owning a good sized home, a yard, and essentially, just owning a lot of stuff. The problem with that...

Glass Dome Eco House In The Arctic Circle

How would you like to live in an off grid eco-dome house? It might get a bit cold in the winter but this little eco dome house is the perfect answer. They started building the dome home in 2012 on SandHorney Island in Norway. It took them 1.5 years to build before they moved in. The massive dome is made...

The Great Collapse is Coming! Are You Ready?

Get off grid NOW! The American economy is collapsing. If you don't think so you're naive. You need to go off grid now and get land far away from civilization, put up big fences and setup security to secure your homestead from intruders. Not kidding. The system cannot handle the weight of all the greed in the world today...