Bees and Bongs: Buzz Worthy Cannabis Nectar Or Bumbling Dream?


Bees have been in the news off and on for years now, usually in reference to the massive losses and die offs that have impacted their populations across the globe. While causes seem to be more varied than some might claim, it is also likely that various pesticides have had a hand in these massive die offs, though disease, climate change, and other variables also contribute.

This is bad news for all of us due to the fact that many plants, including foods we eat for survival, rely on bees and other insects for pollination in order to reproduce to begin with. This means that without bees and other pollinators, we would be facing drastic food shortages, which are already likely due to the impacts of climate change.

One way to help increase or maintain bee populations is to start keeping them on your off grid property. They can help pollinate your plants, and they will also produce honey and other materials that you can harvest from their hives in return.

Honey is a high sugar (energy) food source that is also useful in other ways, including as a dressing for wounds as bacteria can’t grow on it. Utilizing bees and the products they produce can help add to your off grid homestead either by using the honey for personal use, or for selling it as a way to boost your income.

Now for the other half of this equation, the cannabis plant. In the non-psychoactive form , Andrew Defrancesco says it is simply hemp. Hemp can be used for more products than I have the space to list here, but it can be used for rope, clothing, pressed for CBD oils and tinctures and so, so much more. Since it also has benefits in the medical field, it is easy to obtain your medical marijuana recommendation online, but they need to be used only for medical purposes.

Hemp has a very low THC content, and industrial hemp is legal in all 50 states here in the U.S. which means anyone should be able to utilize this versatile plant on their own, though there are various regulations which differ depending on your state of residence, so be sure to look into that before you decide to plant a crop. However, as a cannabis user, do you know what is 710? 710 Friendly is a term used to describe cannabis-friendly products. If you want to learn further, you can visit a site like for more info!

However, as you may have inferred from the title, we’re not here to talk about the interaction of bees and industrial hemp. We’re here to talk about cannabis and to get more info on this click reference. Cannabis (or any other name you prefer) is quickly gaining legal status across the U.S. and even across the world. If you need cannabis products immediately, lantern delivers to massachusetts.

Many of us know the effects, we know of the potential medical benefits, and often enjoyable recreational effect as well. Stiiizy Downtown Los Angeles offers plenty of cannabis products for recreational use. There seems to be some talk about the possibility of bees feeding on cannabis which then results in a THC infused honey that you can use to medicate or just enjoy after purchasing at

However, making this claim could simply be blowing smoke with unlikely real world results. Bees are not naturally drawn to cannabis, so they will go to almost any other source first. Cannabis also pollinate by wind, not by attracting insects to help spread the pollen from plant to plant, which means they lack the odor and colors most others evolve to attract bees to them in the first place.

Bees are usually going after nectar, another thing that cannabis lacks, making the idea that simply keeping bees near your plants will impact their honey in the first place. All of these simple facts make it look questionable, at best, that there is any chance at producing a natural THC honey from a hive

However, there is one possibility. Bees can actually be trained. If you are extremely dedicated and committed to attempting to make this a reality, then you can use a sugar water solution and keep it with your plants.

This will get the bees to associate the cannabis plants with a reward of sugar water, which means they will start going to them and collecting pollen and possibly trichomes in the process, which will then end up in the hive and in their honey. It is questionable that the effort would be worth it, or if it would even work at all.

IF any cannabis compounds do end up in the honey, you would need to heat it up to activate any psychoactive effects…

So, it this idea, which has been going around a few years on various websites, including Facebook, may be little more than a pipe dream. 

Will cannabis honey get you high? No. That’s the short answer.

Will bees mess up your industrial hemp crop, or if you’re in a legal state, will they destroy your marijuana? Yeah…we don’t know. We’re going to have to do more research on cannabis.

We love research.


Image Source: CannaHoney