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How To Build an Off Grid Cabin on a Budget

While constructing a cabin isn't a walk in the park, the process becomes financially manageable when you take matters into your own hands. By rolling up your sleeves and opting for a do-it-yourself approach, you will discover the possibility of saving every penny possible without compromising on the dream of a rustic retreat. In this...

What’s Off Grid Living REALLY Like?

The world looks nothing like it did a couple of decades ago. We went from manual typewriters to computers, from rotary phones to cell phones, and now, after all this time many people are distancing themselves further by going off the grid. But what is it really like living this lifestyle?    That's something you might have wondered if...

Off Grid Communication — Top Options You Need to Consider

Off grid communication is a way to communicate without relying on public infrastructure such as the electrical power grid and cellular networks.  It has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to provide reliable and secure communication when traditional infrastructure is either unavailable or unreliable for various reasons.  This article will introduce the concept...

Top 10 Tips for Off Grid Solar Systems

Off Grid Solar Systems are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative source of energy for homes and businesses.  An off grid commercial solar panel installation is a type of power system that does not rely on the electrical grid to produce electricity, instead relying solely on the sun's energy to generate power. This innovative solution utilizes...

Profitable Career Choices While Living Off Grid

Imagine. You are living off the grid and would love to make money to meet your expenses, and for that, you have your office set up in a remote jungle, mountain top, an isolated forest, or a boat moon dock. Sound interesting! Right? Now Continue reading if you want...

Off Grid Septic System & Treatments

  A septic tank installation is a self-contained sewage treatment system that is not connected to a public sewage system. It is typically used in rural areas where a public sewage system is not available or in off-grid homes that are not connected to the electricity grid. If you, for some reason, don't have one yet, then a...

Honey as Medicine: Surviving with Off Grid Living

Did you know you can use honey as medicine? If anyone had to choose only one medicine, that they could have in stock, I think it would be honey. These days, specialty wound-care centers might agree. In this article, learn how to use honey to prevent infection, kill bacteria, and promote healing. Honey has become a staple for...

Rounding Up Your Energy And Power Essentials For Off Grid Living

Heat and electricity are energy and power essentials which you cannot live without, even if you plan to live off the grid. You need to have a suitable system in place! Keep reading to learn more about fire starters and solar generators needed to help you live off the grid with comfort and ease. Solar Panel & Generator There are...

Affordable Off Grid Living Havens That Promise Comfort and Convenience

Looking for adorable off-grid living havens that will not leave you bankrupt? Keep reading to learn more about inexpensive havens that promise comfort and convenience Here is our list for affordable off-grid living havens that promise comfort: Yurts - off-grid living havens If you are environmentally conscious about your influence on the planet, then a yurt may be a suitable...

How To Have A Killer Off Grid Holidays Celebration

Amidst the chilly breezes and snowfall, Christmas is just around the corner. If you’re spending the holiday season off-grid this year, consider yourself lucky. Instead of visiting friends and family or going on a shopping spree and falling prey to COVID-19, off grid holidays are a safer and healthier alternative. Don't worry, holidays should never be gloomy and...

Making Dairy Items and Ingredients Using Homegrown Off Grid Produce

A busy life means you will not have enough time to cook for different recipes or buy dairy items. But, certain aspects of living demand extra attention.  We all have heard the phrase "You are what you eat", and it gives us the message of healthy eating. Why Shall You Prepare...

How to Boost Your Defense System Naturally While Off Grid

boost your defense system
Have you ever thought about how some people rarely get sick while others are more susceptible to catching a cold or a viral infection? Well, it is all about your body’s defense system. The defense system fights against alien microorganism that enters into your body, to disrupt your natural course. The stronger your defense system is, the...