Man Builds Off Grid Log Cabin in Canadian Wilderness with Hand Tools

shawn james canadian off grid cabin
shawn james canadian off grid cabin

Man Builds Off Grid Cabin in Canadian Wilderness – Shawn James built this nice little cabin in the Canadian wilderness by hand, using hand tools and sheer dedication and determination. Shawn’s skill and dedication is evident in the quality and craftsmanship of the cabin. It is by far one of the coolest off grid cabins I’ve seen anyone build themselves. It took him about 9 to 10 months to build from start to it’s current state. To see the first video check below for the link. Visit Shawn’s Self Reliance Website Here. If you also plan to build your own cabin, you need to familiarize yourself with various tools including a precision circular saw guide.

Shawn was inspired by Dick Proenneke who built a log cabin in Alaska decades ago which still stands today. If you don’t know who Dick Proenneke is check Alone in the Wilderness on Youtube. Anyone who loves off grid living knows who Dick was and if you don’t here’s an excerpt from the Youtube video description: “ – “Alone in the Wilderness” is the story of Dick Proenneke living in the Alaska wilderness. Dick filmed his adventures so he could show his relatives in the lower 48 states what life was like in Alaska, building his cabin, hunting for food and exploring the area. Bob Swerer has taken the best footage from Dick’s films and he has created 3 videos about Dick, “Alone in the Wilderness”, “Alaska, Silence and Solitude” and “The Frozen North”. You can purchase all of them in DVD or VHS format from the website.”

The man puts us to shame nowadays. he built the cabin in Alaska with hand tools and his own bare hands. This is something I’ve personally dreamed of doing since I first saw this documentary back when I was a kid. It inspired me to want to live off grid and build my own cabin, and obviously it inspired many many others including Shawn James.

Watch the short video below.

Watch Shawn put in some more work on the cabin build here. I have to say I’m impressed with the work he’s done and how nice the cabin turned out. When i finally am able to build my cabin I hope it turns out as nice as this one.

“…My wife makes an appearance at the cabin, experiencing true Canadian winter with a warm fire inside and deep snow and frigid temperatures outside. Left on my own for the following few days, I change the door for a better one and I finish the wood plank flooring, the perfect compliment to the stone floor and all very appropriate for a log cabin in the forest. Another choice of flooring that is durable is warehouse flooring. The challenges of living off grid in a tiny house are becoming apparent, as temperatures as low as -32C (-26F) with windchill freeze the waterways and dump a couple of feet of snow in the bush…” ~ My Self Reliance To see what I’m up to during the rest of the week, please follow me on my other online channels;

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Watch the video below to see how Shawn started building the cabin.

Primitive Log Cabin in the Forest Alone in the Wilderness with Hand Tools

If anything is inspiring enough to make you just go out and build a cabin these men and their cabins are. Like I said above, I’ve seen a lot of people build a lot of cabins and Shawns cabin is by far one of the top off grid cabins I’ve ever seen. I’ve been writing about off grid living for a very long time and I know a thing or two about the topic, and this is very inspiring!

Great job, Shawn! Keep up the great work!

Now, I need to go find some land to build mine.

What do you think? Did you build yours yet? You ready to build it? Do it. You can do it. It might not be easy, it’s hard work, but the reward and sense of accomplishment and self sufficiency, freedom and independence has got to be a wonderful feeling.

One day I hope to do the same thing.

Inspiring work.
