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Permaculture and Off-Grid Farming Techniques Related To It

Permaculture, derived from the words' agriculture' and 'permanent culture,' is a framework that seeks to create sustainable ways of living independently. It is an energy-efficient, ecofriendly, and waste-free means of survival and livelihood. The way it works is to effectively combine people, resources, and the environment to create diverse systems that allow you and your family to reap...

Beautifying your Off-Grid Living with Plants

All is set and now you are officially living off-grid. Still, is there something amiss or are you getting bored somehow. Do you think your space is lacking aesthetics or your Off-grid experience is in a dire need for an enhancement? then buckle up on this ride with me. This neo-pioneering lifestyle may become a little tiresome, but...

Do-It-Yourself Survival Knife for Off-Grid Living

Do-It-Yourself Survival Knife for Off-Grid Living
Off-grid living is best when you’re experiencing unbelievable freedom from almost all the ‘necessities’ of our metropolitan social infrastructure. You’re not accountable. You’re not bound. You’re your own king. But choosing to live off-grid can be a little ‘too painful’, sometimes. And when you haven’t got a survival knife for off-grid living, it can surely be more...

Off-grid Living – Companion Gardening For Multiple Harvests Simultaneously

When you live off the grid, you need to embrace sustainable living practices such as companion gardening - see more at bltlandscapes.com. It is not enough to have the necessary gardening supplies, crops, and experience growing plants. You need to be efficient with off-grid gardening to provide food for yourself and your family. Also, for landscaping...

Here is everything about Safety and Self-Defense|Off-Grid Survival

Safety & Self-defence tips-offgridliving.net
Off-grid living is about self-reliance and being prepared for a variety of low-probability but high-impact events that can occur. One such possibility is an intruder attack. Whether the intruder is a thief or a wild animal, the real question isn't so much about who they are—it's about whether you're truly safe. Before you start spiraling into...

Let’s Talk About the Crazy-Wild Edible Plants | Off-Grid Survival

Wild edible plants-offgridlivig.net
Exceptionally, you might run out of food in your off-grid domicile. What then?   Have you got any ideas to kill that gnawing in your stomach?   Probably no. But don’t worry, I’ve got a fantastic idea: wild plants.   You got it right. Wild plants out there can become an excellent resource in times of fierce appetite. It often happens that we...

Types of Mushrooms and How to Grow Them – Off-Grid Living

According to statistics shared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, food waste is estimated to be 40% of the total food produced. Mushrooms can be grown well by using animal manure, food waste, and other organic materials. Mushrooms convert digested substances into protein-rich foods Oyster mushrooms growing on a log. Embracing off-grid living requires being self-sufficient and growing mushrooms can...


Solar Panels & off-grid living
Living off-grid can be a highly adventurous decision, but most fellas get it wrong. They miss out an important part: power supply. I mean, yeah, sure, you can live in an RV or Cabin, but you’ll be needing a full house worth of energy supply to carry out your daily life chores, like cooking, cleaning, entertainment (TV,...

RV Safety and Uses in Off-Grid Living

What is RV living? A recreational vehicle, or RV for short, is a trailer that is designed with a living quarter inside. Think of an RV as a cozy home with wheels that allows you to explore the world as you carry out your routinely day-to-day tasks. It is a cost-effective lifestyle choice that is filled with adventure...

Aquaponics – How This Is Useful for Off The Grid Living

Are you planning on embracing off-the-grid living? Being able to live independently and grow your food is a lot trickier than you would imagine. It isn’t as simple as growing a few different crops in your front yard all year round. However, if you do decide to live off the grid, then aquaponics can help you fend...

Get Off The Grid Now!

Off Grid Living & Survival
GET OFF GRID NOW! If you’re not already off the grid, it may be too late! We’re living in unprecedented times. The system is collapsing. It’s not going to get any better anytime soon. It will only get worse before it gets better. This isn’t alarmist or fearmongering. This isn’t Chicken Little yelling “The sky is falling!”, this is...

How To Live Off The Grid: The Ultimate Guide To Living Off The Grid

How to live off the grid log cabin
The ultimate how to live off the grid guide. Grab a cup of coffee from your mahlkönig usa, sit back, and relax. We're going to explain in this detailed guide how you can live off the grid. Before we start first we need to know what "living off the grid" means. By off the grid we mean being detached...