Top 7 Survival Foods to Stock – When You Are Living Off-Grid

Top 7 Survival Foods to Stock - When You Are Living Off-the-Grid

Coping with stressful conditions like running out of food, isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

But YOU, my folks, you always happen to make things work, isn’t it?

Food isn’t just about surviving.

Food is an emotion.

Food is what reflects on your brain.

Your decisions, your moves, your entire existence is based on what you eat!

And the LEAST you expect in off-grid living is feeling SICK and WORN OUT.

Yes, there is nothing hidden from you. Everything comes with a price, even the experiences.

The constant physical vulnerability that keeps banging on your door can drive you crazy.

Like real crazy!

After all, it had to be ONE THRILLING EXPERIENCE.

But why worry, when there is everything you need to begin with, here at Off-Grid Living.

These 7 survival foods – that you can improvise and experiment with – are going to change your whole off-grid game.

Quick Words

Your hunting abilities may take some time to sharpen up, and you my friend, cannot sustain long without a good stock of dried foods.

Create healthy and tasty meals with these food items, in your bunkers, homes, on the road – anywhere and any time of the day.

And forget about the nagging problems of off-grid living.

Get these staples on board, from the next shop that you see, and get the cooking going!

1-Brown Rice

Brown (1)

You must’ve cooked brown rice every now and then, but what makes this food special for off-grid-living is the fact that it has a longer shelf life.

It will last you 6 months, yes, the figure is right!

Maintain the dryness inside the container and you can enjoy brown rice with stir-fry veggies for 6 months straight; that too without the need of refrigerating it.

And up to 12 months if you refrigerate that uncooked brown rice!

The best part, brown rice is gluten-free and rich in fiber; it is going to keep you loaded with essential nutrients.


Who would have ever said ‘no’ to beans? I guess NO ONE.

They are tasty in flavor and packed with vitamins, minerals, calories, and ‘God knows’ whatnot.

Beans should be on the top of your survival food list in off-grade living.

You can cook easy black bean stew, just under 25 minutes with soaked beans. You can also fetch some miner’s lettuce and toss them onto your plate to add that EARTHINESS to your stew.


What’s one thing that everyone loves munching? NUTS, of course!

Put a stock of dried nuts – unshelled and unsalted – in your food container as a portion of survival food when you are living off-grid.

Ask me why. And I’d ask you WHY NOT?

Like seriously, what source can revamp your energies as nuts can.

I can’t imagine anything close to it!

Packed with fatty acids and proteins, nuts are an instant source of strength for your body and brain.

My advice to you would be to stock a fair amount of pecans, pistachios, sunflowers, and whatever ‘you feel like stocking up’.

Because there isn’t a good rule of thumb to it, or is there?

No, there seriously isn’t.

4-Peanut Butter


Name a better off-grid survival food…I’ll wait.

Delicious, loaded with the goodness of proteins, fatty acids, vitamins; you name it, peanut butter got it.

You may find yourself in situations where you may ask for a quick boost in your energy levels. The peanut butter will do it for you.

Powdered peanut butter can last up to 10 years —yes, pretty shelf-stable, right?

Treat yourself with peanut butter smoothies, quick peanut butter sandwiches in the middle of the woods, and make EVERY MOMENT COUNT!

5-Canned Fish


You might find the idea of a canned fish atypical at first, but let me clarify…

What if you run out of favorite berries or fruits? What’s your plan for survival then?

Having a pile of canned salmon is your best bet.

You will love to have Mackerel, Sardines, and tuna by your side in that scenario.

Ain’t secretly bragging about my love for fishes, but that’s true.

Canned tuna does last you 3 years.

Seriously, what’s more one could ask for?

Bring your inner chef out and show your partner that canned fishes do make a decent meal.

7-Coconut Oil


What are your plans for cooking a meal? You cannot avoid oils forever. Or can you?

I hear – you cannot. Cooking is partial without oil.

Coconut oil isn’t just a survival off-grid food but will serve you in other practical ways as well.

Preserving coconut oil for off-grid survival will always pay you off – stir fry your veggies and enjoy care-free evenings in the woods.


What are you packing for your sweet tooth? I sense honey has to be on your list of survival foods for off-grid-living.

It never spoils. It never smells. What do you need more?

Whenever sugar craving strikes you hard, drizzle some honey on your freshly picked berries and crepes and double the fun of your off-grid-living.

Just make sure to keep water away from honey as a best preservation practice.

Final Words

Things aren’t crazy by themselves: YOU MAKE THEM CRAZY!

Don’t let your energies dwindle when you are living off the grid.

Make sure to have enough supplies, so you don’t run out of as soon as you set out on a lifetime experience.

It’s a much better option than to blame yourself for ‘impulsive decisions’ that you made while doing groceries.

If you already are having your best time off-gridding, then consider stockpiling the foods for survival, whenever you stumble upon a grocery shop next.

Avoid packing ‘Just in case’ items with you because that won’t help either.

Accept the fact that you are going to live in the wild, and things will get pretty unpredictable there – keep only well-thought food items with you.