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Earthships Are Beautiful Off Grid Homes.

An Earthship is a type of off grid home that is made from natural and recycled materials. This means that they can be a combination of discarded items, reclaimed materials, and natural materials like mud bricks, straw, or any number of nature based sources. They have been around since the 1970’s and due to the increasing interest in off...

How To Make a Living Off Grid & Online

Do you want to earn some extra money each month? Have you ever wanted to make a living from home? You can make a living online while living off the grid. Making a living off grid and online is much different from making money while living off the grid. It's not the same thing. Sure, making money...

Amazing Off Grid Tiny House Has Everything You Need

Amazing Off Grid Tiny House Has Everything You Need - Paul and Annet lived the big city life in Sydney before deciding to say "See ya Sydney!" and move on up to Byron Shire. They stayed with friends at first, but eventually found a small studio cabin that they used as a home base for starting their off-grid adventure. They...

How to Go Solar with your Off Grid Cabin

So you've built a tidy little 250sqft Cabin in the woods and now you're stuck indoors, in the dark, because it'd cold, and rainy and man you could kill for some Game of Thrones right about now. Well, welcome to the 21st century where you can not only have cake, but you are fully expected to eat it. And...

Tesla & Solar City Win Fight Against Greedy Anti-Solar Utility Company In Arizona Is also a Win For Consumers Going Off Grid.

Tesla recently won a lawsuit it inherited when it obtained Solar City a few years ago. The lawsuit was against an Arizona utility company over fees they were charging to those who were installing solar power and battery systems in the state of Arizona. Such fees are not uncommon in many states these days, and they are often intended...

Wind Turbine Can Power Your Off Grid Cabin For Less Than A New iPhone

If you are living off grid, or considering it in the future, one of the biggest concerns, other than shelter of course, is how to power your new home or cabin and become energy independent. While many people opt to go solar, there is a company in India that is trying to make the power of the wind an...

The Cost of Solar Panels Are Going Up, Will Cost You More To Live Off Grid

solar roof
The cost of your solar panels are GOING UP! I don't care what side of the fence you're on politically, THIS is BAD for sustainable energy and off grid living! The costs are already high enough to discourage and prevent many hard working folks from being able to put solar on their homes and make the move off grid....

101 Reasons To Live Off Grid

Off Grid Garden & Farm
101 Reasons to Live Off The Grid - People go off grid for all kinds of reasons, the biggest one I think is that people seem to think life will be easier, less stressful and perhaps even make them happier. Well, it's WORK, and work is a four letter word. It's not easy, it's not luxury and...

Makers of ‘Saltwater Battery That Can Power Your Off Grid Home For 10 Years’ Returns to Production in 2018

Aquion Energy, the makers of a saltwater battery that can power your off grid home for 10 years is returning to production in 2018 according to a recent press release on their website. "Aquion Energy is excited to announce its return to the market in 2018. An improved AHI product based on the S-Line and Aspen form factor is...

17 Ways To Make Money While Living Off Grid

Here's how you can make money while living off grid. This list is designed to give you some ideas and inspire some creative thinking on ways to make a living from home while living off grid. There are many reasons for this, the first and perhaps most important is it frees you up to move just about...

How To Build a DIY Hot Tub for Your Off Grid Cabin for Only $250

DIY Hot Tub
Now this looks like a fun off grid project! Easy DIY Stock Tank Hot Tub For Your Off Grid Cabin - Got a spare stock tank laying around your property? Turn it into a DIY hot tub and relax in your new wood fire heated hot tub! This looks simple enough to build and technically it is. It's not...

Man Builds Off Grid Log Cabin in Canadian Wilderness with Hand Tools

shawn james canadian off grid cabin
Man Builds Off Grid Cabin in Canadian Wilderness - Shawn James built this nice little cabin in the Canadian wilderness by hand, using hand tools and sheer dedication and determination. Shawn's skill and dedication is evident in the quality and craftsmanship of the cabin. It is by far one of the coolest off grid cabins I've seen anyone build...