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How to live off the grid. Living off the grid blog.
off grid living

Off grid living is about freedom and independence. It’s about self reliance and self sufficiency. It’s building your own cabin and growing your own food on your own land. But it’s also about sharing and growing together. Helping your neighbor and working together. Cooperation, not competition grows faster, bigger and better.

If you have two equal forces competing they will destroy each other trying to compete for the same thing. However, if you have to equal forces working together toward a common goal you can accomplish great things. Greed and selfishness is unfortunately part of the human condition but it can be overcome with trust and sharing working together towards a common goal.

In this way everyone benefits. The two competing forces no longer compete. Instead they cooperate. Cooperation is more powerful than competition. It grows faster. It grows bigger and better faster and provides more benefit to more people. Altruism. Philanthropy. Generosity. Trust. Working together. Cooperation.

In a good faith gesture and in the spirit of freedom and sharing we release all our posts on this website under the Creative Commons Share and Share-Alike license. Simply copy any post and post it on your site or social media and provide a link back to the original post on our site. Easy!

You are free to copy and republish any of the articles and blog posts on this website under the condition that you provide a link back to the original source/article/post/image on this website. We reserve the right to prohibit and/or revoke this permission to any individual, company, entity, website, blog, or any other entity or person or collective or affiliate or group or any other thing from using our content if we deem/believe our content is being used in bad-faith or in a way that we deem inappropriate, derogatory, or that we do not approve of.

Other than that you are free to copy and republish any post on this site as long as a proper and prominent credit link is provided from the copied/republished article.

NOTE: You must use the TITLE of the original post as the credit link back to the original post on this website. (we check all links!)

This will help share the information and knowledge across the world with millions of people who want to learn how to live off the grid.

We believe this will make the world a better place.

Cooperation! Working together makes the world a better place.

Share! Feel free to copy and republish any of our articles under the conditions herein. All we ask is for a link back to our original post using the TITLE of our article.



We reserve the right to change the terms or revoke permission at anytime without notice if we think our content is being used in bad-faith or in a negative or derogatory way.