101 Reasons To Live Off Grid

Healthy eating vegetables and fruits

20. Healthier food

When you live off grid, you tend to eat healthier food. Your food is healthier because you grow it without pesticides and without harmful chemicals.

21. Fresh air 

The air is fresher in the country. Not much more needs to be said about that.

22. Digging in the dirt! 

Lets face it, we all love digging in the dirt.

23. We get to build stuff 

Living off grid allows you to build stuff and make things. Things you wouldn’t normally be able to make, and projects you wouldn’t normally be able to work on in the city. Like the next spaceship to Mars for  example, or a time machine. Or maybe you could build a new kind of greenhouse that grows 100 pounds of food fruits and veggies per square foot. Now there’s an idea.

24. Independence

When you live the off grid life, you instantly become less dependent on the system, and more independent and self reliant. You are no longer bound by a system which does not have your best interests in mind.

25. Connect with nature 

This is one of the most fulfilling parts of the lifestyle of off grid living. The connection with nature you have is much deeper and on a level much more profoundly satisfying than suburban life. Waking up each morning to the sounds of nature instead of honking horns, slamming doors and shrill sirens. Being able to walk outside in the morning and feel the crisp cool fresh country air while you sip your hot morning beverage while listening to the sounds of the birds singing, the cool morning breeze blowing, the deer in the field lifting its head to look at you while you sit in your rocking chair, the flock of geese browsing the edge of the lake, is the epitome of contentment and connection with the natural world.

26. Teach our kids the value of a days work 

When you live off grid your daily life is full of work, and lots of things that need to be done throughout the day. Raising your children with a strong work ethic is important, and will come more naturally on an off grid homestead. It will instill in your children and sense of accomplishment, and what it takes and what it means to complete a days work.

27. Physical exercise

Running a farm or ranch takes work. You’re constantly on the go. As such your physical activity level will be much higher than the average person. It’s great exercise.

28. Less dependent

Living off the grid is about self sufficiency. As mentioned above, it’s about creating a sustainable lifestyle that allows you to become less reliant on the resources of others, thereby increasing your independence.

29. Safer lifestyle

Technically speaking living in the country is probably safer than living in the city. Especially in the event of some kind of social collapse, or even in daily life. Cities are statistically less safe than rural areas.

Family Planting

30. Security for our family 

As mentioned above, the fact that cities have higher crime rates than their surrounding areas, it makes sense that country living is more secure for raising your family. Even more than suburban neighborhoods.

31. Financially responsible

It’s financially responsible to cut your expenses. Moving and living off the grid will allow you to save money on groceries, and utilities over the long term. This is just smart money management 101. Initial setup costs might be slightly higher than a suburban home, but overall, the costs are distributed over a longer period of time, and since you’re producing more resources than you use, you will have a surplus.

32. Socially responsible 

It’s socially responsible. Speaking of the BIG PICTURE, overall, living off the grid and homesteading, is socially responsible, and arguably more so than living in the city. The reason is simple. People who live in the country are typically farmers and ranchers and those who are retired. In other words, they’re hard workers, they contribute much to their local communities, and they are usually more in tune with their fellow humans when compared with the impersonal and superficial nature of society living in densely populated areas. This is not to say that people who live in the city do not care or are not being socially responsible. On the contrary, there are probably more socially responsible people per square mile in an urban environment than a rural environment, but many times they are unable or do not have the means to contribute as much as they like because the cost of living, and their annual expenses limit the amount of community work they can do. It’s really a balance between what you’re willing to do, and what you can do. Off grid living allows for a more direct approach and offers more opportunity, in this author’s opinion.

33. Helps the local community 

When you own your own homestead and are producing more resources than you use, then this in turn gives back to the community in which you live.

34. Creates a place for change 

Your off grid homestead creates a home base for leading by example, and this creates positive change within your community.

35. Inspires others

Leading by example, creating your own resources, living a sustainable life, and sharing that with others, inspires people to follow and build their own.

36. Brings people together 

You are a hub for positive sustainable change. It attracts people, and educates them on ways to live a self sufficient lifestyle.

37. Strengthens community

Your homestead becomes a bastion of health and happiness for the community at large.

38. You get to give back

Sharing your knowledge with others and seeing how it influences their lives, and the positive change it brings, is an extremely rewarding feeling.

39. You make a difference

Not just in your kids lives, but the lives of all the people you share your knowledge with.