What Will Happen If China Sets An EMP Bomb


An EMP or Electromagnetic Pulse is a surge of energy that can travel at high speeds throughout the sky and disrupt electronic devices. There are several ways an EMP can be created, including natural events like solar flares and nuclear explosions. A solar flare is a sudden burst of energy from the sun that can release a large amount of energy into space. A low-yield nuclear explosion detonated in the atmosphere can also produce an EMP shockwave that can potentially fry electronic equipment and disrupt power grids.

While EMP weapons specifically designed to cause a destructive surge of energy are rare, a small-scale EMP attack could still be devastating. The EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security is concerned about the vulnerability of the power grid and other critical infrastructure, as it poses a danger to the general public. China, who has a long history of understanding the potential of EMP weapons, has invested in protecting its military forces and critical infrastructure from the effects of EMPs and other nuclear weapon effects.


It’s important to recognize that the use of nuclear weapons would have disastrous consequences, not only for the immediate victims but also for the global community as a whole. The catastrophic effects of a nuclear explosion, such as the release of harmful radiation, would have long-lasting consequences for the environment and human health.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting that the international community has worked for decades to prevent the spread and use of nuclear weapons, through agreements such as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The NPT seeks to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament.


The EMP Task Force on Homeland and National Security, a non-governmental organization, has released a report warning of a possible attack by China using an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) weapon. The report, written by Dr Peter Pry, the task force’s executive director and a former CIA intelligence officer and advisor to the House Armed Services Committee, warns of a possible “Pearl Harbor-style” preemptive strike by China in a confrontation with the US. The EMP weapon creates a wave of energy using low-yield nuclear weapons detonated in the atmosphere, which could disrupt electronic equipment and the power grid, leading to chaos and potentially millions of deaths. Dr Pry believes a high-altitude EMP is the “most likely kind of future warfare” and calls for the White House to better protect the power grid and critical infrastructure. The task force warns that the threat of the US power grid crashing is “very real” and that up to 90% of Americans could die within the first year if it were to go down.


The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the shortcomings of the U.S. in terms of planning and preparation for civil defense and recovery. These weaknesses have not gone unnoticed by potential enemies such as China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and international terrorists. Despite spending decades and billions of dollars on preparations for biological warfare, the U.S. government has been unable to effectively manage the pandemic, which has a mortality rate of under 1 percent. The White House had to take over management due to the lack of stockpiled essentials such as ventilators, masks, and pharmaceuticals.

Adversaries have observed the panicked and inadequate U.S. response to the pandemic, which led to a nationwide lockdown and widespread fear. They have also taken note of the ongoing political division in the U.S. which has resulted in widespread rioting, toppling of statues, and arson. These events have given the impression of a fragile and vulnerable country, making it appealing to dictators who seek to replace the current world order dominated by the U.S. with one dominated by themselves.

China, for example, has been planning to defeat the U.S. with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and cyber attack for 25 years. The U.S. is particularly vulnerable to such attacks due to its reliance on computer networks for its economy, from banks to telephone systems and power plants to steelworks. The Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have not taken any action to protect the national electric grid or other critical infrastructure, and instead, non-expert bureaucrats are conducting endless studies and conferences.

China has military doctrine that a nuclear EMP attack against U.S. aircraft carriers is the key to victory. The U.S. Navy may be better prepared for such an attack, but the DOE and DHS are not. A panel of China’s military experts threatened to punish U.S. Navy ships by making them disappear in March 2020. The threat of EMP attacks highlights the need for the U.S. to be better prepared and take steps to protect its critical infrastructure.


While many people are aware of EMP attacks, far fewer people actually understand what an EMP attack is, how it works, or how it would affect the country. AN EMP attack would, without question, be one of the very worst things that could happen to the United States. If you’ve ever heard of the idea that an EMP attack could throw America back to the 1800s, it is actually very possible that it would.

How Can an Electromagnetic Pulse be Created?

One way is through detonating a nuclear weapon high in the atmosphere. The energy created by that blast could create an electromagnetic pulse that would then be sent out in all directions. There are also different kinds of electromagnetic pulses as well: El, E2, and E3. An El pulse is the most powerful and intense. It creates microwaves as it passes through the earth’s magnetic field, and would most certainly cause voltage convulsions in electrical conductors as well. This is the type of electromagnetic pulse that would fry computers and similar electronic equipment, as well as key electronics in cars, trucks, and aircraft. The E2 pulse is similar to lightning strikes, and is far less powerful than an El pulse. Finally, the E3 pulse is even less powerful than the E2, and is comparable to solar flares created by the sun. While E3s are still powerful enough to damage power lines and other infrastructure, they’re still not nearly as powerful as Els.


The answer to this question depends on a number of different factors: the type of electromagnetic pulse, how high in the atmosphere it’s detonated (the higher the device is detonated, the wider the range it’s going to affect), and whether or not electronic devices are shielded. Virtually any device that is not shielded or protected against an E 1 electromagnetic pulse is likely to be either completely fried or at least severely damaged.


1) the power grid; 2) laptops; 3) tablets; 4) cell phones; 5) cell services towers; 6) internet routers; 7) electronic gun safes; 8) TVs; 9) radios; 10) refrigerators and freezers; 11) thermostats; 12) electronic banking (i.e., all credit and debit cards and ATMs); 13) the computerized components of vehicles ( cars, planes, ATVs, motorcycles, UTVs, etc.); 14) pacemakers; 15) hospital diagnostic machines; 16) anything with a microchip. All of the above items are going to be extremely vulnerable to an EMP. Phones and laptops that are being housed in a metal building or sealed metal container might be able to survive an El, but it’s not at all guaranteed.


What you need to do is imagine a world where each of the items listed above are taken out instantly, because that is exactly what an EMP attack is going to do. For instance, cars are going to quit working instantly, at least cars that were built since 1980. Planes will fall out of the sky. Phones and laptops will be fried, and even if they aren’t, they won’t do you much good without cell service or the Internet. In essence, America will be thrown back to the Stone Age as hundreds of millions of people across the country find themselves in a world without power. Looting and rioting would be almost certain to develop in the hours and days following the attack across most of the major cities in America. Due to the lack of working electronic equipment, military and law enforcement would be enormously slow to respond.

What’s worse is that such a scenario could potentially last for years. It would take years, if not a full decade, for the power grid to get back up and running the way it was before, during which time up to 90% of Americans could be killed by starvation, rioting, disease, dehydration, murder, and suicide. In essence, if there’s one thing that an EMP attack would create in the United States it would be chaos, misery, and death.


Nobody knows for certain how dark the United States would go after an EMP attack takes out the electrical grid. In the worst-case scenario, there would be no electric power and every piece of electrical equipment would have its circuitry fried, rendering it useless—including all modern vehicles. Now for the frightening part! Within seconds of an EMP event occurring, the fatalities would very quickly start to mount up. Stalled passenger planes falling out of the skies, thousands killed in automobile accidents, life support and lifesaving equipment suddenly stopping—the list goes on and on.

On the ground, any problems would initially be manageable. Most homes would only have enough food and water to last them a few days. However, all water utilities would stop immediately, as there would be no power to operate pumping stations or treatment plants. Solar power will be rendered useless as the solar panels will be damaged by the EMP. Shops and stores would quickly empty as daily food deliveries stop. There would be no communication networks available, as landlines, cells, TV and radio stations, and Internet all stop working. It wouldn’t be too long before violent mobs and looters started to take advantage of the situation, initially targeting shops and warehouses, then moving onto domestic housing soon after.

There will be no police; there will be no Nation al Guard; there will be no law and order. If you have had the good wisdom to prepare, you will have put together a good supply of water, food, and guns with plenty of ammunition—enough to see you through a couple of weeks, or even a month of crisis. However, as sensible as these preparations may sound, in a city full of thirsty and starving inhabitants, it won’t be long before you are targeted and it will not matter how many guns you have, they still won’t be enough to stop the hundreds or thousands of people willing to kill you to take what you have. Consider Caracas, Venezuela at present in this respect.

Preparation is Key

That doesn’t mean that making preparations is a waste of time. Preparation is still the key to surviving these types of Doomsday events, but the most important piece of survival advice you need to follow, especially if you live in a city or any other large urban environment. is to leave for a rural area. Head quickly for the relative safety of the countryside, woods, or mountains, preferably as part of a group of well-armed, likeminded individuals.

If you stay in the city, your chances of survival will be extremely slim. Cities are not designed to be self-sufficient. They will quickly run out of water and food, descending just as quickly into lawless no go zones. There will be no sanitation and no waste disposal, rotting corpses will start piling up all over the place, sickness and disease will be everywhere, and eventually, without medicine or treatment of any kind, epidemics will wipe out masses of people. Again, for a pretty accurate picture of what this will look like. observe the chaos that is presently happening in Caracas, Venezuela.

Over time, people who stay in large towns and cities will die—some sooner than others, but the majority will die. Probably the 83% of the population of the United States that live in urban environments will account for the vast majority of fatalities. The threat of an EMP event causing catastrophic damage to our society and our way of life is very real. There is only one way to survive in the aftermath of such an event, and that is to have all your preps in order and to move as far away as possible from large populations.

Other Preparations that Could Be Made in Advance of an EMP Event

Survival in the country, a small town or more rural setting, or on a farm will obviously be much easier. You will need to take action to stock up on supplies, establish close alliances with people in your area for bartering and mutual protection, and to build Faraday cages (i.e., similar to the old bread boxes, or even a metal garbage can with a tightly sealed top) to shield electronic items (including watches) from the effects of EMP A world-band shortwave radio and hand-held CB radios (if protected) may be your only means of communication with the outside world since the Internet, all phones and other communications will be down.

Besides the obvious: food, water, firearms and ammunition, camping and backpacking equipment, and first aid supplies, there should be enough bicycles for each member of the family. All cars and trucks will stop because their electronics are melted, so bicycles would be very useful.

While many people are aware of EMP attacks, far fewer people actually understand what an EMP attack is, how it works, or how it would affect the country. AN EMP attack would, without question, be one of the very worst things that could happen to the United States. If you’ve ever heard of the idea that an EMP attack could throw America back to the 1800s, it is actually very possible that it would.

The answer to this question depends on a number of different factors: the type of electromagnetic pulse, how high in the atmosphere it’s detonated (the higher the device is detonated, the wider the range it’s going to affect), and whether or not electronic devices are shielded. Virtually any device that is not shielded or protected against an E 1 electromagnetic pulse is likely to be either completely fried or at least severely damaged.