Shipping Containers Make AWESOME AFFORDABLE Off Grid Homes!


When it comes to off grid homes, there are a lot of different designs and ideas floating around these days. Some are high end, and high priced, luxury off grid cabins, others are based on the tiny home model and can vary in both the technology and the cost.

We are always looking to highlight the different options out there at any price point, and one option that comes up often, is the container home.

Here is an awesome design for a container home that you can put on your off grid land. The beauty of a shipping container home is that it’s modular. The frame is already built for you. You simply need to add aesthetics. There are endless possibilities, designs, and configurations.

You’re only limited by your imagination!

Introduction to Custom Container Living from Custom Container Living on Vimeo.
Custom Container Living

Shipping containers are easy to get your hands on, they are relatively simple to use as modular housing, which means you can connect and stack them to make a home of virtually any size you would want.

A single container makes a great tiny house option, and with some modification, you can do something similar to this one here.

The 40 foot container has been converted into a great little house with a built in front porch, sloping roof, and a double upstairs loft area.

Of course, you are only limited by your imagination (and of course your budget), and the shipping container home can be a great way to get started with your off grid living.

Visit the Custom Container Living website to see the awesome things they’re building over there!