Reasons to Grow Your Own Food


Growing your own organic food garden is not only an environment-friendly practice, but it can also act as armament in the fight against climate change. Climate change is a burning issue that is directly associated with the world’s hunger. Irregular changes in climate have already started hitting food security issues at both the national and international levels since the last decade.

Now, the 2020 global pandemic of the coronavirus has added fuel to the fire. People started realizing how quickly shelves get empty, and prices can hike. We can say it’s a wake-up call about food security issues. The prevailing conditions have made people consider the idea of “survival gardening” and “local food systems”.

Survival Gardening is not related to the end of the world or growing your food in a great disaster; it is about creating the home garden that produces a significant and sufficient amount of food for you, your family, friends, or neighbours. It also means designing your garden in a way that the growing crops are robust enough to tolerate any unexpected events like a family member experiencing a health issue (that can decrease your gardening time), or the climatic disasters (heavy rain or strong wind), etc.

Without owning tons of land (that requires huge finance), you can still ensure your food security by laying out an ideal and diverse garden. This article will help you understand why you need to grow your food. 

Keep Chemicals off Your Plant, Plate, and Planet

The strong linkage between the use of pesticides and the occurrence of cancer and other chronic diseases has been established. The Environment Protection Agency has declared that 90 % of all fungicides, 60 % of all herbicides, and 30 % of all insecticides are carcinogenic. Besides cancer, these hazardous chemicals also cause congenital disabilities, genetic mutations, and brain damages. You can check out social security disability lawyers for hire from here, for help with disability issues. 

So, by growing your own organic food, you can keep these harmful chemicals away from your plant and then ultimately from your plate. Another advantage is that by establishing your own organic garden, you are not using chemicals or pesticides that are harming the environment. So, you are contributing to the protection of your planet.

It is true that most pesticides pose threat to the environment and causes various health issues, you need to control and prevent pests for your wellbeing. So, if you are facing some pest issues, then you need to go for pest control services like Pest Control Burlington which offers healthy, comfortable, and environmentally friendly solutions. Contact several pest control companies and inquire about the eco-friendly methods they use to handle pest infestations.

Food Safety

When you grow your own organic food, you ensure food safety for yourself as you have control over what goes into your body. You become tension free about food contamination, foreign bacteria, and pesticide residual effects. Everything grows under your supervision, so you have an assurance of its purity and freshness.

Food Security

In this era, we can achieve food security only by encouraging people to grow their own pure and safe food to maintain a healthy and active life on sustainable bases. Growing your food ensures it’s security by providing direct access to food for you and your family on a daily basis during the growing season. If you can successfully preserve the extra harvest of your organic food, you can save it to use in offseason.

High Nutrition and Happy Taste Buds

Usually, the food at grocery shelves travels a long distance (even across the borders). This food is typically harvested and packed in semi-ripened conditions (approximately two weeks earlier) — which results in losing a lot of valuable nutrients and taste with every kilometer of distance.

If you want to eat quality food, then go for organic and GMOs free food that you grow in your garden and which has higher nutritional value with no chemical toxicity. As your grown food ripes naturally, so it tastes incredibly delicious – packed with nutrition. This is the reason that most popular cooks in the world only use organic and fresh vegetables in their recipes for their food to be of perfect taste and nutritional value.

Reduce Carbon Footprints

By growing your food, you do not have to make many trips to the shop to purchase your daily food needs. Moreover, much of the food you buy at a store may have trekked halfway around the globe to get there! It not only affects the freshness and flavor of the food but also emits a higher level of carbon into the atmosphere during transportation. Thus, by growing your own food at home, you make an impact by saving energy, money, and time. Just by following a few simple techniques and a little bit of willingness, everyone can grow their food at home.

Reduce Acoustic Pollution

You know that vegetation absorbs sound. So, planting a row of fruiting trees or shrubs provides not only fresh seasonal fruits but also a natural sound barrier. The higher density of foliage creates a quiet, peaceful atmosphere for you by reducing urban noises.

Outdoor Classroom

Having a garden is a hands-on and engaging way to learn the methods of growing food. It develops some special connection between the people and the food on their plates. As you know, kids always imitate their elders, so, by growing, we can teach them about nature, healthy eating, and nutrition, which will ensure a healthy future. Educating the kids of the pesticides and repellents from Bed Bug Exterminator San Francisco is also important since they will learn when and how to use it effectively.


You can easily cut the cost of your grocery bill by growing your own food. You don’t need to spend a staggering amount of money at the grocery stores on food that doesn’t even nourish your body. Spend time in your garden and learn to grow your food if you want to eat quality organic food with the cost of a few seed packets or plantlets. Plus, you’ll also feel a sort of pride by having a meal prepared with vegetables from your garden.

Protect Future Generations

The food choices you make today are going to affect your child’s future health. Several researches have revealed that the kids consuming conventional foods have higher levels of pesticides in their urine than the ones nourished with organic food. The exposure risk of cancer-causing pesticides is greater in children than adults because they eat more relative to their body weight. So, grow your own GMOs and chemical-free organic food for yourself and your kids to live a healthy and risk-free life.


The bottom line is that growing your organic food garden is worth a try and can be done with little to no hustle. Growing your own food is good for the planet, wallet, and your waistline. You are not just aesthetically designing your place but also building blocks of healthy food and healthy space that positively impact your environment.