One of the problems some people have with starting their own garden is simply the amount of work, time, and effort that can go into it, especially if you feel you have to spend a good deal of your time digging before you can get started. There is an alternative, and it is called “no dig” gardening. For a landscaping company St Louis, call Ryan Ballheimer Landscape Design to bring professional care to your outdoor space.
Essentially you lay down your seeds then cover with compost for maintaining a stormwater management facility , which can save you hours over the usual method of digging up the soil, mixing in compost, fertilizer, and then digging your rows before you even get started. People can also get help of https://njapps.co.uk/ experts for landscaping and other gardening services.
Charles Dowding has had excellent results with his no dig gardening techniques as suggested by the experts from pest control san diego, also getting about 5% higher yields with fewer weeds, and a lot less time and effort.
This is certainly a method to look into and the video below goes into explaining it in more detail.
For more information you can also check out his YouTube channel where you can find many other videos that deal with specific types of plants, deeper explanations on no dig style gardening and more.
Charles Dowding Explains No Dig Gardening Technique