Advertise with Off Grid Living, and our partners have a combined reach of over 2 million visitors, subscribers, and social reach per week. Your ad dollars are best spent reaching highly targeted audiences. You’re in this niche and you need access to our highly targeted lists and social media influencer partners. Advertising to our massive audience is advantageous for you and your business because when you advertise to such a highly targeted audience it produces leads and sales, and the bottom line is that that is the bottom line. Results oriented advertising. Our subscribers are homesteaders, farmers, ranchers, survivalists, preppers, gardeners, hunters, anglers, hikers, campers and outdoor enthusiasts.
Advertise your product or service to our highly targeted audience for a fraction for the price you’d pay to reach through other online advertising programs.
Send email inquiry to: contact [@] offgridliving [dot] net
(or fill out the form at the bottom of this page)
Sponsored Post (30 days) = $199/month or $599/year
Your press release/article with your links to your products or services.
*When you choose the yearly sponsored post your post stays LIVE on the site for a full year. This is good if you want a long term ad that runs for a full year at a huge discount off the monthly price.
300x300px Sidebar Ad = $99/month or $499/year
Your ad will run in the sidebar of every page of the website.
*When you choose the yearly SIDEBAR AD your AD stays LIVE on the site for a full year. This is good if you want a long term ad that runs for a full year at a huge discount off the monthly price.
We’ve put together an advertising campaign package that will allow you reach millions of targeted visitors each month for a full year. No contracts, no obligation, cancel anytime. Update your ad each month to keep it up to date. Add new products, services, deals, coupons, discounts and promotions anytime.
This is the best advertising campaign offer we have and provide you with the highest reach possible for your advertising dollars. Facebook Ads CANNOT match the targeting we offer in the off grid and outdoor industry. One low monthly price will provide you with a solid advertising campaign you can pause anytime. YES! You can update your adverts anytime to your latest/current offer.
NOTE: To get the targeting we offer in this industry you could end up paying $500 a day or more for advertising on other platforms like Google or Facebook ads.
1 Full page Full Color Advertisement in Off Grid Living Magazine
(update/change your ad each month according to your offer)
1 Sponsored Post
(your press release/blog post)
1 300×300 Sidebar Ad
(shows on every page of the site)
1 Email Blast
(per month)
1 Social Shout Out
(per month)
REGULAR PRICE $299/month
YOUR PRICE ONLY = $199/month*
(AD Package Campaign billed monthly at $199/mo)
Fill out the form below and someone will be in contact with you ASAP
*Auto renews each month. Advertisements must be related or relevant to off grid living, homesteading, survival, sustainable living, solar power, renewable energy, cabins, real estate, land for sale, farm and ranch equipment, tools, prepping supplies, food, and other related products and services. If in doubt send us an email and we’ll answer any questions you have.